Can You Shave Your Unibrow With a Razor? Read This Beforehand.

Last Updated on June 15th, 2023

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TW: This article contains content that may trigger feelings of self-harm trauma.

The truth is, not everyone who has a unibrow wants a unibrow. But, just like shaving all facial hair, it is okay to shave a unibrow. There are even special razors on the market made specifically for eyebrow maintenance. 

There are also many misconceptions about whether or not shaving the unibrow is bad or will make hair growth worse in the area that has been shaved. Here we will also touch on the risks of shaving your unibrow and how to do it safely to avoid those risks.

Half faces of two women - Can You Shave Your Unibrow With a Razor

Is it Bad to Shave Your Unibrow?

It’s not bad to shave your unibrow, and people always shave their facial hair. Surely there are risks involved, but these risks also follow not only shaving facial hair – but body hair as well. It is the risks that make people nervous about shaving the unibrow.

While shaving the unibrow is not bad, there are other methods that more effectively remove unibrows. Shaving is ideal for beards. As they grow back, the hairs will form stubble. This is not something you want for your unibrow unless you don’t mind the consistent maintenance.


Does Shaving Your Unibrow Make it Grow Back Thicker or Worse than Before?

Shaving the unibrow does not necessarily mean that the hair will grow back thicker, but it might be worse in appearance. This is because when shaving, the hair follicles are not being removed, and this allows that hair to grow back faster.

When hair does grow back, you can continue to shave them, but allowing them to overgrow will leave you with an unpleasant appearance. In addition, shaving the body or facial hair in general is and always will be high maintenance. 

Look into other hair removal options if you don’t have time to deal with regrowth. It’s really important to find out what works best for you.


Can Anything Else Bad Happen by Shaving a Unibrow?

Like all kinds of shaving in general, there are risks you should know. First of all, you are bringing a razor awfully close to your eyes when shaving the unibrow. It would be horrible to accidentality get too close to that delicate part of your face.

Small cuts are common when shaving, and those areas are also prone to get infected. Shaving your unibrow could also cause redness and irritation to the area between the brow. 

If you are an individual with sensitive, dry skin, it might be time to look into other hair removal methods.


What Typically Happens if you Shave your Eyebrows with a Razor?

When shaving the brow with a razor, you are not completely removing the base of the hair, which leads the hair to grow back faster. Instead, the hairs are simply cut down to the base of the skin, which most of the time still leaves the stubble of the hair visible.

The brow will require a strong demand for maintenance, which is not always possible for everyone. 

Also, everyone has a different hair growth rate, but on average, it will take about three days for the hair to grow back in. On the bright side, it’s a cheaper approach to hair removal.


How to Shave a Unibrow

Before shaving, it’s important to have a clean razor, workspace, and face! Clean the face to prep the area in which the hair will be shaved. Clean skin leads to lower infection risks if you get any nicks accidentally. 

Once everything is cleaned, begin the shaving process. When shaving between the eyebrows, be sure not to shave too much off. Your eyebrow should line up with the inner corner of your eye. Keep doing this a few times a week or whenever the hair grows back.


Final Thoughts on Shaving a Unibrow

It’s not bad to shave the unibrow, but it’s also not the ideal hair removal method for removing unibrow hair. Shaving will not make the hair grow thicker, and it might make it look worse if it’s not maintained. 

There are also risks to consider when shaving the unibrow or any hair in general. The biggest risk is a nick that eventually becomes infected. When shaving the unibrow, the hair is cut down to the base of the skin. No hair follicles are being removed during this process.

When hair follicles are not removed, the hair tends to grow back at a faster rate. This will result in the hair removing process being high maintenance. On the bright side, shaving the unibrow is a low-cost alternative to hair removal.


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